Russian troops extended their push into northeastern Ukraine

Russian troops extended their push into northeastern Ukraine

Category: News

Posted by: ghosthole on 2024-05-12 15:47:37.031232

On Sunday, Russian troops extended their push into northeastern Ukraine, taking control of several small border settlements and compelling Ukrainian forces to retreat from some positions, reports from both Russian and Ukrainian military sources and aid workers indicated. Russia's Defense Ministry announced that its soldiers had seized an additional four settlements, most of which are situated directly north of Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city. This development is part of a new offensive that began on Friday. Aid workers also noted that Russian forces had advanced further into Ukrainian territory, now posing a threat to numerous small towns near Kharkiv outskirts. A Ukrainian military unit engaged in the region confirmed that Russian forces were intensifying their approach from the border towards Kharkiv. A video statement released by Hostri Kartuzy, a Ukrainian special forces unit, on Saturday night conveyed that amidst severe combat, Ukrainian defenders had to pull back from more positions, with another settlement falling entirely under Russian control. Despite significant casualties, Russian forces are persisting and making gains in certain areas.
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